Anthony Zander has cancer. He knows exactly to the minute when he is going to die – and he doesn’t have much time left. Anthony wants some hard proof of life after death – not just some persuasive evidence, but hard tangible scientific proof – and he’s got three million dollars to spend on finding it. Three million dollars, and the services of the top three clairvoyant mediums in the western world. This is James Christie’s third book on the subject of clairvoyance and post mortem survival and in this masterly tour de force not only does the author take us deep within the psyche of the modern day medium he also narrates the story of one man’s passion to find the absolute truth about what lies beyond the grave. This is not a novel, but a true story desperately longing to be told.

© James Christie – Mage Publishing
ISBN: 978-09527109-3-6
RRP £10.99
or buy the Kindle Edition here

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